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News and Insights
News and Insights

ESPO Framework Award
We’re delighted to have been awarded a place on ESPO Consultancy Services Framework.

Human Engine Named as a Leading Management Consultancy 2021 by The Financial Times
Human Engine Named as a Leading Management Consultancy 2021 by The Financial Times.

Commercial Edge: Renewing the case for the local investment state
We’re excited to be partnering with think tank, Localis, to undertake research that looks at the future role of commercialism in local gov

8 Top Tips - Managing Customer Expectations
Even during uncertain times customers will continue to seek access to your services, with an added level of angst to get the reassurances...

The Cost of No
Customer service in local government goes further than dealing with queries or concerns. It takes a special skillset to support an...

From Insight to Action
There have never been richer sources of customer data available than right now. But how do you turn this information

A Tripartite Model for Local Services?
Reorganisation of local government is in vogue. But why can’t this go much further?

What's the Issue with Risk?
There is no sense in imbuing staff with the spirits of entrepreneurs then tying their hands with process and rejecting every idea...

From Outsourcing to Smartsourcing
The term outsourcing is a broad label that makes no sensitive analysis of the commercial risks and benefits of specific contracts.

Commercial Maturity: Theme 1 - Strategy and Alignment
It starts with commitment, from the very top. Alignment of the organisation's policies, processes and leadership to its commercial strategy

Commercial Maturity: Theme 2 - Market Intelligence
Every decision the commercially minded organisation makes will be driven by insight.

Commercial Maturity: Themes 3 and 4 - Commissioning and Supplier Management
Most organisations describe their people as their biggest asset...

Commercial Maturity: Theme 5 - Income Generation
The difference between a business and a public body, in business, nobody deposits a wedge of money into your account each month

Commercial Maturity: Theme 6 - Culture, Skills and Engagement
In a CIPFA survey, only 4% of respondents said they had the commercial skills they need in their organisations.

Lost for Words: The Language of Local Government
Bertrand Russell once espoused the benefits of clear thinking – removing extraneous factors and unconscious bias to make better decisions.
Management Consultant
commercial maturity model
commercial academy
Commercial Services
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